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  • FTP Commander Deluxe

  • FTP client supports Proxy, Firewall, Sockets 4, 4.5, and 5.  
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    June 19, 2006.

    FTP Commander Deluxe 8.50 has been released.

    Are reliability and security of data transfer your highest priority?

    One of the earliest file transfer protocols developed for the Internet – ftp – is still one of the simplest, most convenient and fastest methods of exchanging files between clients and servers. But with the growth of the World Wide Web and broadband networks, there has been increased demand for more secure protocols, meaning that the advantages of ftp are often lost.  InternetSoft Corp. is determined to make it not only more secure, but more reliable and easier to use.

    Until now, highly secure high-speed file exchange protocols have been available primarily to Internet service providers (ISPs), since for most users they are generally too costly and difficult to configure and use. InternetSoft Corporation has devoted significant development resources to enhancing the security of ftp while bundling in a range of enhanced protocols and functions with a highly usable, drag-and-drop user interface to make secure file transfer possible for a broader market.

    I don’t think ftp is destined for extinction,” says Sergey Korchinsky, CEO of InternetSoft Corporation. “On the contrary: ftp is a great protocol for file transfer. By improving its functionality and designing a better interface than you’ll find in other ftp clients today, you can ensure that ftp will continue to have a robust future.” The new release of FTP Commander Deluxe ($49.95), which is aimed at both the professional and home user, includes several significant improvements over basic ftp that are devoted to security and safety of confidential data, encryption and checksum file transfer.

    About FTP Commander Deluxe security features

    The original ftp protocol is flawed since data is not encrypted, meaning that user verification information can be intercepted. FTP Commander Deluxe provides full support for Shell Access, FTPS (File Transfer Protocol using SSL), SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) and other protocols, without requiring additional installation or a connection to external libraries. Thus, all data traffic is encrypted so that login information cannot be intercepted. FTP Commander Deluxe includes all current security standards, such as SSL, SSL2, SSL3, TLS, SSH, SSH2, PGP, and password encryption. It supports multithreading data transfer, packet and file synchronization, scripting, and 128-256 bit encryption.

    In addition to its many security features, the highly functional file transfer client also has a number of usability enhancements that are rarely available in similar packages. Functions include the ability to recover interrupted downloads, connect to a server using special commands to prevent disconnect, compare and synchronize directories in different time zones, track buffer exchange, and transfer files larger than 1 GB. The client also provides support for proxy, firewalls, SOCKS 4, 4.5 and 5. A convenient download speed indicator and a built-in task scheduler enhance the user’s experience and maximize file-transfer flexibility.

    FTP Commander Deluxe can be downloaded from:  https://www.internet-soft.com/DEMO/cftpdeluxesetup.exe

    FTP Commander Deluxe Feature list

    The registration fee is USD 49,95

    About InternetSoft Corp.

    InternetSoft Corporation provides a number of software products for both commercial and non-commercial users.  InternetSoft products provide solutions in the areas of Internet technologies, communications, data encryption and secure file transfer. Email clients, newsreaders, offline browsers and backup managers are among the company’s other offerings. The company’s operating principles are to focus upon market analysis to continually adjust to market demand for new telecommunications technologies, and to emphasize usability in all product designs. InternetSoft Corporation is open to cooperative relationships with regional Internet service providers, web hosting companies, communications companies and distributors. A unique interface localization system provides easy adaptation of InternetSoft Corporation products for worldwide distribution.

    New product information is available at https://www.internet-soft.com

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