About Domain Quester.
Program Installation
Program functions.
Domain search procedure .
· Additional parameters.
· Using hyphens in domain names.
· Using the list of additional words .
· Domain types.
· Number of connections.
· Search for free domain names
Domain Quester Pro
Differences between working and demonstration versions.
Internet has quickly and irreversibly become a part of our everyday lives. It has not only erased the boundaries between nations and continents, but also altered the entire planet by becoming a whole separate dimension per se with its own economy. It is therefore a matter of necessity for people to be able to find their way in the new virtual world that has arisen out of the Internet. It is no secret that websites lie at the heart of the world wide web. Each website, for instance, has its domains, such as Most companies start doing business on the Net by creating their own websites and then trying to find the right domain name.
Not too long ago the first person who purchased a fax machine was looked upon as a visionary. What good is a fax machine if it belongs only to one person and there is nobody else to send a fax to? But now if your potential business partner were to say he didn’t have a fax machine, you would seriously question whether if would be worth entering into a venture with him. The point is that having a website is currently equally as important as having a fax machine used to be in business dealings.
As recently as 1994 or 1995 it was still possible to find plenty of free domain names. All you had to do was select and register the proper domain name, but the economic benefits from this process were not always immediately visible. Rapid Internet growth has considerably complicated the issue of seeking out and finding the right domain name. At the present point in time nearly every available registration name has already been taken. How can a company find the right name; one which is short and sweet and just right for the Net? Sometimes the company may be required to browse manually through the registration status of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of possible domain names when attempting to launch its own website.
Vista has developed the Domain Quester for the express purpose of solving this urgent problem. Quester is a program designed to generate the greatest possible number of word combinations and then select the best domain name for any given company. It is truly a great time saver!
After entering the list of key words you would like to include in the website name, Quester will generate a comprehensive list of domain names and report on whether or not they are currently free for use. The program contains a list of words best suited for naming your business domain on the Internet. .
The Domain Quester incorporates a state-of-the-art algorithm designed
to search and verify available domain names.
Now is the time to search and find the right domain name on the Internet.
Tomorrow could be too late.
Use the distribution kit with the program installation dialogue
· Generation of domain names using a sequence of the keywords
entered by the user
· Free domain search processing based on the list generated
Search for domains by unlimited number of keywords. Input any number of words that relate to your business interests and these exact terms will be used as "root words" in an extensive search for available domain names.
Domain Quester uses Whois Search Database.
Start the program domain.exe. The main program window will appear:
Set one or several keywords:
To add a new keyword press the button “ +”
Enter the word you would like to include in the domain name and press the button “OK”
The button "-" deletes keywords. The buttons "Load" and "Save" make it possible to load and save the available list in ASCII format. Further define the creation and search parameters for free domains
Additional parameters.
1. "Using hyphens " - To use hyphens between words when creating
the domain list.
2. "Combinations" - When two or more word combinations
are used in the domain name
3. "Additional keywords " - The list of additional words
that can be used as the root of a domain name.
4. "Domain type " -Defines types of domains: ".com", ".net" or
".org", that are to be registered.
5. "Skip after " - Defines time limitations in seconds for domain
6. "Number of connections " -Number of simultaneous connections
in domain search.
Use of hyphens in domain names.
If you also wish to generate domain names with hyphens, tick the appropriate
item – “Using the Hyphens Check Box”.
Then,for example, keywords “fashion” and “studio” will generate domain
will also be framed.
If you want to use only part of names with hyphens, enter a word with
a hyphen in the list, for example “e-”. If you want to use two or
more word combinations in the name of the domain state the number of combinations.
Using the list of additional words
If you want to use a set of popular words, select “Additional Domain Name Keywords Check Box”.
Then these words will be used as the root of domain names. Use check box to select the words in the list of additional domain names. Here you can also indicate in what part of the name the additional keywords can be used.
If "First"is selected the word will appear at the beginning of the domain name. If "Last" is selected the word will appear at the end of the domain name. You also can add or delete keywords from the list. The "save" button is used to save the updated list of keywords. The "load" button is used to load the list compiled previously.
Domain types
Select the desired domain type, e.g. ".com", ".net", ".org", to be registered.
Number of connections
The program can simultaneously check a multiplicity of domains. The given parameter sets up the item " Number of connections ". " Skip after " - defines time limitation in seconds for each domain check. Unchecked domains will be marked as " no data ".
" Number of connections " is adjusted in the program and depends on the speed and quality of your ISP connection. The optimum number of connections is usually 10.
Domain Length Limitation
Select the maximum domain length to be used.
Searching for free domain names
Further for search of free domains press the button “search”. The program will generate a large number of domain name combinations depending on the number of keywords entered.
After the list of researched domains is generated, the program will
gradually start to check which of them are free and available for registration,
and which are already taken. This large-scale operation is time-consuming
and is best executed electronically. The program may need to scan thousands
of domain options, which could involve a fair amount of time.
To delete the domains that have already been registered after the search
is complete or to save results in text format, select the appropriate Check
The suggested domain name will be shown in the “domain column”.
In a column “domain” the offered name of the domain will be written
down. If the suggested domain name is free “is available” will appear in
the “State” column. If the domain has already been taken – “is not
available” will appear.
The amount required to check the domain status is shown in the “Time”
column. The symbol “ ~” is placed in the time column after
the domain verification is complete. You can monitor the verification process
in the lower window of the program. The domain names available for
registration will be marked by a tick. After the program has checked
all domains the results can be saved in the text format and the final choice
can be made concerning the best domain name available for registration.
Quester Pro can search additional domain names: uk,
de, be, ru, ch, lv and others
Select the desired domain type, e.g. "", ".de", ".ru" ..., to
be registered.
4. Differences between the working and demonstration versions
In the demonstration version you can generate an unrestricted list of
verifiable domains.
The demo version will only check the first twenty domains on your list.
The program can be registered on Vista’s website at:
Domain Quester is Copyright of Internetsoft Corp.