Mailing List Deluxe
User's Guide
We offer three program options
    1. Mailing List Express (Standard Edition)
    2. Maillist Express Pro (Professional Edition)
    3. Mailing List Deluxe

    These programs are designed to create and support mailing lists for your clients and subscribers. All you have to do is draft one message and it will be sent to an entire list of mail recipients. In addition, the program will create a personalized letter for each subscriber, which can include all the necessary information from your data base. Nowadays nearly all offices have tasks which demand fast-track information delivery. This may simply involve the number of orders placed, a letter on the status of accounts, etc. Our new program options will help you save time by eliminating the need to print out documents, write addresses on envelopes and then arrange for their delivery. The program has a built-in editor to process the list mail recipients. The professional version possesses expanded mailing list capabilities, such as list filtering, deleting duplicates, word and character replacement, creating lists from different types of text files, exporting and importing lists from MS Excel and checking the correctness of addresses. The program supports a number of smtp/pop3 accounts. The Deluxe version also has a built-in smtp server and can send mail directly without any help from the ISP server (any ìessage can be also sent through the external smtp server).

    The Deluxe version can deliver messages much faster than the standard edition by using a number of connections simultaneously and also has additional mailing list processing capabilities based on error codes and message protocols. You get a delivery report as soon the mail list has been sent out.

Mailing List Express 
(Standard Edition)
Maillist Express Pro 
(Professional Edition)
Mailing List Deluxe 
(Deluxe Edition)
Sending mail through built-in Mail Server    
Multi threading
(Sending many messages at once)
Sending Mail through ISP
Advanced Mailing List Filter  
Remove duplicates  
Export mailing list into MS Excel  
Email merge 
(create a personalized letter for each subscriber)
DB Maker Technology
(create databases utilizing HTML or other files)
No limit on database fields
Unlimited mailing projects. 
Email Verification
(Program determine which of addresses on the mail list are invalid)
Supports file attachments
Import mailing list from txt / csv
Edit mailing list
Supports many smtp / pop3 accounts
Selecting message charset
Send mail in HTML format
Supports log file 
List Scheduler    
Split mailing list and per hour limit option. For example, if your ISP limits the maximum emails per hour or you do not want overload your server.     
49,95 USD
79,95 USD
119,95 USD
Free Download


Mailing List Deluxe allows users to send personalized email letters using message templates. Thus, if you have a client database you can create a single letter template and send personalized messages to a whole list of customers. In this way all addresses will receive letters intended for them only. After a mailing list has been made up you can go back to it at a later time. The program is foolproof and easy to use.

Mailing List Deluxe is supplied on a shareware basis, which means that you are free to download and test out the program before registering it. To test it now go to

Systems Supported Mailing List Deluxe has been tested to run on  Windows 98 / Me / 2000 / 2003 / XP / NT 4.0 / Vista / Windows 7. Installation Download and run installation program maillistdeluxe.exe. Starting up work with the software To use the software you will need to make certain initial settings.

Then the software is up and running. Now you will need to enter the parameters without which it will be impossible to send messages. You will need to find out this information from your Internet provider (supplier of Internet services) or network administrator.

After installing and starting the software select Default Options from the Main menu. The Settings dialog is then displayed:

Mailing List Deluxe can store information on many e-mail accounts. Enter the so-called electronic mail server connection profile fields:

You will need to receive this information from your provider (ISP). It is individual to every user. Contact your ISP for your SMTP Server address.

You can enter several such profiles into the software. The profile where you place the cursor mark will be the active one where you will be receiving and from which you will be sending messages. In case you need to receive mail at another external mailbox, just add the new profile or select one from the list. Thus, if you need to receive mail from different providers (ISP) you can check it without entering the user's name and password repeatedly by simply placing the cursor mark on the right line.

How to start up Mailing List Deluxe 1. Run the program

2. Before you start using Mailing List Deluxe, you should adjust several program settings. Please click on "Default Options" and enter your SMTP/POP3 server settings. You can also check the "Auto login every X minutes" checkbox, as desired.

3. To create a mailing list, create a new mailing project. To do this, please click "New" or select "New Project" from the "File" menu. A new window with the message editor and various settings opens. Mailing List Deluxe allows you to create an unlimited number of mailing projects.

4. Now you will need to enter a list of e-mail addresses to which your message will be sent. You can enter it either manually, using the "Edit List" button, or import it by clicking on the "Import List" button. You can import a list from files of various formats (e.g. from .DBF or text files). After you have clicked on "Import List", choose a file and click "Next".

You can find an example of a text delimited file (CSV) in the Mailing List Deluxe program folder. It is called "example.txt". In this file, the ";" character is used as a delimiter. You can use various other characters as a delimiter in your mailing list file. First, create a file by using "example.txt" as a guide. You can use a common text editor or MS Excel to create a mailing list file.

5. Save the project (say, as newslist1.eml).

6. Fill out the "Subject" field.

7. Select the number of a column in which e-mail addresses are located.

8. Select a desired message format: TEXT or HTML.

For a plain text message, simply enter the message text in the Plain Text editor.

For an HTML message, enter the same message text both in the Plain Text and the HTML WYSIWYG Editor. This is meant for recipients whose e-mail clients do not support HTML.

9. You can import HTML and text messages using editor menu and buttons (Open / Import HTML file). A message text can be also copied from the clipboard using the following hot keys: Ctrl + C or Shift + Ins. In this case, please make sure that "Num Lock" is off! The Editor menu and toolbar with buttons can be found on the "WYSIWYG HTML Editor" tab.

10. Mailing List Deluxe features a Mail Merge that allows you to use fields from the mailing list in messages. To do this, type "[Column#2]" or "[Column#1]" in the message body and click on the "Insert Field" button. In the Mailing List Deluxe program folder, there are a couple of example files. Simply use the "Open Project" menu item from the main menu to open example.eml or htmlmail.eml to see the project example.

11. You can insert the text from the mailing list into the message "Subject" the same way.

Simply type [Column#N], where N is the number of the mailing list column (field).

12. Mailing List Deluxe allows you to send the same attachment to all recipients as well as a custom attachment for each particular recipient. It can be, for example, a monthly report or an invoice.

To send a custom attachment to one particular recipient, please select the appropriate mailing list field (column) where you have saved the path to the file on your hard disk (e.g.: c:\attach\

13. Save the project.

14. Everything is now ready. To send the messages, please click "Send Mailing List". If the SMTP and POP3 server have not been configured correctly, the messages will not be sent. The progress and delivery statuses will be displayed during sending.

There are two modes available: using internal or external SMTP server.

To use the internal SMTP server, you will need to enter your network's DNS-address, without which sending will be impossible. Please note that a DNS-address is unique for each network and we do not provide you with DNS-addresses for mailing.

You can detect your own DNS-address using the "Get DNS Info" button, find it on your ISP's FAQ page (you need to know your provider's DNS, not your local network DNS) or call your provider and ask what DNS-address is used when connecting to the Internet.

15. We recommend that you create a test mailing list of your own e-mail addresses and perform a test mailing before sending messages to real recipients. This allows you to check how the message text and formatting looks, before sending the message to your clients.

Creating a New Mailing Project To form the mailing list you can make entries directly in the program or use MS Excel. If your list of addresses is in dbf or xls format, open this file in MS Excel, then select "Save As" and then choose *.csv. Save the file under any name, for example, yourfilename.csv Select the appropriate file type from the drop down, in order to display only that type of file in the browse window. For example, yourfilename.csv or other file.

Specify the field separator (delimiter) to be used.

The default location for saving your files is in the "c:\program files\Mailing List Deluxe" folder, or in the folder to which you last saved a project. However you can browse to the save location of your choice. The default name of the file is noname0.eml, so remember to type in a file name that will bring to mind the specific project you created.

  Mailing List Deluxe has filter tools to allow you to send your mailing to a select group of recipients. Click "Edit List"     Potential recipients for your mailing are shown in the recipient area. However, you may not want a particular mailing to go to all those listed.

You can unselect certain records and send only to those that remain selected.

Copy the text of your message into the clipboard and insert it into the local menu of our program by pasting the body of the message into the edit window. After this is done the message can be sent out along with the full list of mail recipients. You can insert any fields from yourfilename.csv into the text of the message. For example this file can include columns with names and surnames. After this you can enter the name and surname of the recipient into the greeting. To make an insertion choose the column and move it with the mouse to the place in the message where you want to place the field. Or else choose the number of the column and use the insert key.

Or else you can simply write [Column #3] in the proper place of the text.

Column # 3 refers to the third column of the table yourfilename.csv

Select the "File" menu, and then the "Save Project As" option, to name and save your project. Save the information you have created, for example as:

1 Client List – 31 December 2002.eml

To see what you messages look like you can start off by sending test files located in the same directory where the program is installed to your own address.

Sending E-mails Before you send your message, remember to save your mailing project.
After you make the program settings and create a project you can start mailing messages. To send a message press one of the following keys:
The former key enables you to send messages directly and / or through an ISP. The latter key sends messages only through your provider. The mailing speed depends on the speed of your channel or modem connection, time sent due to varying traffic on the Internet, and your own hardware.

The program is designed to mail personalized messages. This mailing option, however, is slower than non-addressed messages (frequently used by spammers). If you need to use non-addressed mailing lists you can use any program (email client). All you have to do is insert in the "bcc:" field the list of email addresses separated by commas. If you use the "To:" field, all the recipients will see the list of recipients to which mail has been sent. Should you opt for the "bcc:" field, then recipients will only see the first address which is on your list.

Many ISP either do not allow people to use the mass mailing method or impose daily mailing limits.

You can use Mailing List Deluxe to send each recipient a personalized letter. With a 56Kb connection you can send an average of 600 to 4,000 messages per hour through your ISP. In this case the mailing speed will depend to a large extent on the speed of the SMTP server of your Internet provider. If you are dealing with long mail lists it would be a good idea to have a dedicated access channel as well as a dedicated DNS address. Then you can use the SMTP server built into the program.

You can also use the internal SMTP server to make a standard dialup connection. In this case you can also send between 1,500 to 4,000 messages per hour depending on the number connections built into the program.

However, quite a few Internet Service Providers block dialup address connections used for direct mail delivery. As a result of this many messages may reach your recipients only through your ISP. As a rule, this refers to 20 to 30% of all mail processed. For this reason our program contains the option "Automatically send undelivered messages through ISP server".

It will be most efficient to use a built-in SMTP if you are dealing with a large mailing list. In this way you can determine the list of non-existing addresses and remove them from the list of mail to be sent subsequently. If you have a fast dedicated channel the program will be able to send tens of thousands of messages every hour.

Thus, to send mail directly, enter the DNS address, your email as well as the mail route name and domain. Before mailing a message through an ISP, press the Project options key and select or create the connection profile. Make sure you give the smtp, pop3 server and the password, which you will need to use in order to obtain authorization. You will also need to pay attention to the options “Authentication” and “Auto Login Every __ minutes” on the second page of the connection profile setting of your project. Depending on the properties of your ISP server you may need to install or uninstall "Authentification" in order to send mail.

After you have made all the proper settings you can go ahead and press "Send Mail" to start reaching your clients or subscribers. To halt outbound mail press "Stop" and push "Resume" when you wish to continue.

The "Save As" button enables you to save the results of mail sent with similar comments and error codes for future processing.

The "Delete" key allows you to remove addresses which have been sent or not sent from the mail list. In the latter case you can resume mailing your list of unsent addresses at a later time.

Sending Attachments

You can send attachments with your e-mail message. Access this option by clicking on the Attach button.

External and internal SMTP servers: As was mentioned above, you will need to get some info from your ISP. Without this info, you will not be able to use the program. When you click the "Default Options" button, you see fields you need to fill out with the appropriate mail server info. To use the internal SMTP server, you need to know your ISP's DNS-address. The developer of this software cannot provide you with this info. Mailing - Points To Consider: Nowadays, various anti-spam lists, to which spammers' IP addresses are added, are widely available. An ISP's IP address is often added to such lists even if only one of its clients was considered to be a spammer. Until this ISP contacts the owner of such an anti-spam list, all other clients' addresses are also blocked. This applies to regular email and does not depend on the e-mail client you use. Sometimes, because of the language barrier, large internet providers from other countries become blocked. E.g. many Thailand and Indonesian ISPs, as well as almost all the largest Russian ISPs (Russia Online, Zenon, MTU-Intel), are in the black list. Unfortunately, anti-spam lists can do more harm, than good.

Moreover, owners of such "spam filters" sometimes do not have a standard procedure for removing IP addresses from the list, or charge a fee for this. Therefore, if your ISP uses a dubious "anti-spam" database (say,, you are running the risk of never receiving a message from your Russian partner.

How can I overcome this? The easiest way is to use an ISP whose IP addresses are not blocked. Another way is to divide the mailing list into several parts and use different DNS servers for different recipients, also check the "Automatically send undelivered messages through ISP server" checkbox. Thus, if your DNS-address has turned out to be blocked, the program will try to send the message through the other ISP.

Other useful features: Mailing log file and removing addresses from the list: You can save a detailed log file (as a text file) after a mailing. It can easily be opened by MS Excel for analysis and editing. List editing To edit a mailing list, click "Edit List". The Address book in Mailing List Deluxe is stored as a standard text file with delimiters. In the address list editor window, you can add a new record using the "Add Row" button and specify the number of columns (fields) in the list.

Mailing list editor buttons:

New - create a new mailing list.

Open - open an existing list. Please pay attention to the specified field delimiter, it should match the delimiter used in the file you are about to open.

Save - save the address book under the project name.

Save As - save the address book under some other name.

Filter - delete records (which contain specified keywords) from the mailing list.

Replace - replace the content of the selected fields by other content.

Remove Duplicates - delete duplicates in the selected fields. You would use this option should you need, say, to delete identical e-mail addresses (if any) from the mailing list. After using this feature, only the original addresses remain in the list.

DB Maker - can be used when creating databases on the basis of text files and e-mail databases. This feature could come in handy if you need extract the address list from an e-mail client.

Export to MS Excel - export the mailing list to MS Excel.

After clicking on "Apply Filter", the records which fit the filter criteria are deleted.

Filtering the list In addition to MS Excel you can use Mailing List Deluxe to filter the list and remove duplicates.

There will be cases where some of your subscribers will want be deleted from the mailing list. To remove these entries first create a simple text file containing the addresses to be deleted. Then use the "Filter" key and use the interactive message-screen prompt to open the text file you created with the deleted addresses. In the same way you can filter other columns of your mailing list. As a result all the entries containing the words shown in the filter will be deleted.

You can also remove duplicates using a special key. All you have to do is choose the column in which you need to remove the duplicates.

In the former case you should show the column numbers in which there are to be unique values, and in the latter, the list of words which are exceptions. If these words are included in the assigned fields of the database, the corresponding records will be deleted from the resulting file. The filter will remove all the records, which contain the symbols, which have been entered. Therefore, if you enter into the filter, all the records containing these symbols in the assigned field will be removed.


Editing Your Mailing Project Once you have saved your mailing project, you can continue to edit the message content and fields, the subject line, and who the mailing will be sent to.
When deleting any inserted fields, take care to delete the entire field.

Mailing List, Address Book or Source Files

You can use any text delimited databases as your source file. Mailing List Deluxe can import your source file.

Specify a field separator (delimiter) to be used. Select Text-Delimited file and Click Open.

Writing or Editing Email Message

Writing your message is simple. After you have completed creating a new mailing project you will see the main Mailing List Deluxe window. Just click in the message space and type. If you have content from other documents you wish to use, you can copy from them and paste into the message area.

Adding Database Fields for Personalization

Once you have entered your basic message, you can insert database fields, or merge fields, that will allow Mailing List Deluxe to insert specific information into your e-mail from each recipient's source record. All available fields from your source file will display in the drop down list under the "Insert" Database Fields button.

1) Place your cursor where you wish the field information to appear;

2) Select a field by "drag and drop" method or use "Insert" button;

3) The field will appear inside brackets at your cursor location.

For example: Dear [Column #1]

Reusing a Mailing Project From within MailList Express, select menu File and then Open Project from the drop down menu to open an existing mailing project.

You may reuse a mailing project, and re-send the same message to the same group. Or you can use the same message, and save the project as a new project (select menu File and then option Save Project As) This can be useful for carrying out repetitive tasks, such as sending newsletter.

Deleting a Mailing Project Should you wish to delete an obsolete mailing project, you will do this using your File Manager or Explorer. When deleting, make sure to remove all three files for the project; there will be one Mailing List Deluxe message file and two text files associated with each project. Scheduling and intervals between mailing: Click "Schedule" to set the desired scheduling parameters. Some ISP's limit the maximum number of messages a user can send per hour. Therefore Mailing List Deluxe allows you to divide the mailing list into several parts. You can set up the number of messages in each part of the list and the delay (in minutes) between mailings.

"Enable Schedule": enable this function if you wish to send messages later, at night, for instance.

Start Date and Start Time: after this date, the scheduler activates. If you have specified 23:00 as a a start time, the mailing will be started at 23:00 (assuming that the software is running). It you run Mailing List Deluxe at 23:30, the scheduler will be activated and mailing will be started as well.

Select the days of the week on which the mailing should be performed.

End Date and End Time: after this date and time, the scheduler turns off.

Handling un-subscribe requests. List filtering. Click "Filter". The keyword enter form appears. Here you can enter or import a list of e-mail addresses which should be excluded from the mailing list. It can be e-mail addresses of people who un-subscribed from your mailing list, or a list of words which should not be present in e-mail addresses.

For example, if you wish to delete all addresses which contain such words as spam, abuse, nospam, undeliver, unsubscribe, etc.

Before applying the filter please specify in which case the key words should be applied: on complete or partial matches, etc.

Verify e-mail addresses: To decrease traffic and loading on the network, you can verify the e-mail addresses before mailing. Click "Verify". Enter your ISP's DNS and verify the mailing list by clicking "Start Verification". Find and Replace data Small changes must frequently be made to databases. For example, you might need to remove quotation marks, special symbols or otherwise modify the fields, for example in the following way:

"Telephone 9235523" -> 9235523 etc.

Here the menu window shows the initial value and the modification requested.

Antispam and antivirus software
If you use "Symantec Internet Security", "McAfee", "Zone Alarm",  AVG, Kerio  or other antivirus/firewall rogram for security you have adjust the settings allowing our email program to function.  Don't forget to disable the options "Prevent Mass maiing worms from sending mail or port 25"
Using Mailing List Deluxe In A Microsoft Exchange 5.5 Environment If you are using Mailing List Deluxe on a LAN that has Microsoft Exchange 5.5 and the primary mail server, Email addresses other than those in Exchange (to the outside) will be blocked. For Mailing List Deluxe to work, you need to reroute incoming SMTP mail. The following screen shots should help to do this. Once you have made the change, you need to either: 1) stop and start the function through Control Panel: Services, or 2) re-set your Exchange server.

As the Exchange Admin, double click on "Connections", and then on the "Routing" tab. The default selection is "Do not …". Select "Reroute incoming SMTP …", and then close out of Exchange. This change will not take place until Exchange is reset.

Registration Until you register you will be using the evaluation version of Mailing List Deluxe.
When you register with Mailing List Deluxe , the message will no longer appear at the bottom of each e-mail message.

Unregistered version will send only 50 emails at once.

To purchase Mailing List Deluxe , complete the online form, or the fax registration and order form.

Mailing List Deluxe is copyright of InternetSoft Corporation. 1998 - 2025.